
Re–Call­ing Home!


Abstract: Using the Water­wheel Tap, the four mem­bers of Active­Lay­ers will chron­i­cle the devel­op­ment of the 3-part work Call­ing Home! cre­ated in 2008. We will describe our col­lab­o­ra­tive process, chal­lenges encoun­tered and how we addressed them, how our diverse back­grounds influ­enced our processes, the devel­op­ment of the story and char­ac­ters, the speci­fici­ties of the three parts and ways in which we tried to engage audi­ences and chal­lenge the medi­ums used.

Bio: Active­Lay­ers was formed in March 08 by Liz Bryce, Cherry Tru­luck, Suzon Fuks and James Cun­ning­ham. Their work has spanned site-specific net­worked per­for­mance and cyber­for­mance. They per­formed in Cherry Truluck’s Mas­ters pre­sen­ta­tion (07), the UpStage fes­ti­vals of 07, 08 and 10, and Medi­a­tised Sites Per­for­mance Fes­ti­val (08). Works include The Old Hotel II (07), The Old Hotel III (07), Call­ing Home! (a 3-part project, 08, Part 1: Get­ting to Know One Another, Part 2: Stay­ing in Touch, Part 3: The Big Get-Together) and Aquifer Foun­tain (10). They have explored var­i­ous online plat­forms and con­tributed to labs in the devel­op­ment of Water­wheel and its Tap interface.

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