Auriea Har­vey and Michaël Samyn

Wire­fire: A Com­plete His­tory of Love in the Wires (parts 17–24)


Abstract: Wire­fire was an online per­for­mance that occurred between July 8, 1999 — Jan­u­ary 9, 2003 every Thurs­day night, at Mid­night, in Bel­gium. It began as a way for Auriea and Michael to com­mu­ni­cate with one another when she still lived in New York City, USA and he in Ronse, Bel­gium. Text chat seemed too lim­ited. Video chat too fac­tual. Desir­ing a com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel that went beyond mere word and image they built one them­selves. Believ­ing in the net­work and their life that began there, this com­mu­ni­ca­tion needed to be shared with oth­ers who were also search­ing for a mean­ing of love. Thus, Wire­fire was built for: desire, inti­macy and an audi­ence.

Bio: Auriea Har­vey and Michaël Samyn started their col­lab­o­ra­tion in 1999. Har­vey and Samyn have devoted their lives to the cre­ation of ele­gant and emo­tion­ally rich inter­ac­tive enter­tain­ment. As Entropy8Zuper! they cre­ated many web­sites and inter­net art­works. Such as “Ski­non­ski­non­skin”, a series of inter­ac­tive love let­ters. “The Godlove Museum” which fuses love, reli­gion, pol­i­tics and sex. And “Wire­fire” which was their web-based per­for­mance envi­ron­ment. In 2003 they founded inde­pen­dent game devel­op­ment stu­dio Tale of Tales in Gent, Bel­gium, where they live and work, mak­ing genre defy­ing videogames such as “The End­less For­est”, “The Grave­yard” and “The Path”.

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One Comment

  1. Bart Van Doninck
    Jun 19, 2015 @ 02:29:38

    Hello Auriea (and Michaël),

    As you might remember, we met at the exposition “Rubens Privé”.

    You were so kind to give me your card, and I was curious about the (few) things you told me concerning your work of art.

    I suppose you don’t mind me writing in English, while your Dutch is ‘prima’. I always consider it as a good exercise, talking (writing) in a foreign language.

    Yesterday, I found your name(s) and some information about your projects (even on Wikipedia !) and I simply LOVEd it! Just like this presentation… Touching and very powerful. Thank you for sharing this!

    I ‘m looking forward to introducing your work and ideas to my children. My daughter Nel will be seventeen in september and my son Bram fourteen. They both like drawing.

    Good luck,

    Bart Van Doninck