Maja Delak & Luka Prinčič

Trans­mit­tance — a telem­atic performance


Abstract: Trans­mit­tance is an exper­i­ment of col­li­sion of two per­for­ma­tive worlds: phys­i­cal and telem­atic. Through care­ful atten­tion to ques­tions and how are they com­mu­ni­cated to two-fold online & offline pub­lic a locally sit­u­ated artis­tic group of per­form­ers, visual artists, musi­cians and com­puter pro­gram­mers cre­ate a sit­u­a­tion of intense non-linear storytelling.

In this pre­sen­ta­tion we would like to trace a per­sonal his­tory of medi­ated art & non-art that we find ref­er­en­tial for our project. We would briefly tap into the­matic and method­olog­i­cal approaches present in Trans­mit­tance in the con­text of other artis­tic online live art, namely cyber-performance, which we tackle here in no way as an exhaus­tive analysis.

Bio: Trans­mit­tance is a project pro­posed by Maja Delak & Luka Prinčič but it usu­ally involves more artists. Maja Delak is a chore­o­g­ra­pher and a dancer. Luka Prinčič is a musician,a sound designer and a media artist. Together (also known as Wanda & Nova deVi­a­tor) they are an artis­tic duo who work with a vari­ety of media (per­for­mance, sound, video, phys­i­cal com­put­ing, texts, sit­u­a­tions) in order to research and reflect the state of con­tem­po­rary liv­ing. Their col­lab­o­ra­tion started in 2009.